Aisha Alsager is an architect, designer and researcher, with a preoccupation in material investigation and methods of making. She earned a Bachelor of Architecture with High Distinction from Kuwait University and a Masters in Advanced Architectural Design from the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University. At GSAPP she was awarded the Kinne Fellows Traveling Prize for joint research on specialized hospitals in Northern Europe, and the Lucille Smeyser Lowenfish Memorial Prize for the best final semester design problem in a graduate studio.


Alsager has worked in Kuwait, Boston, and New York where her experience has ranged from web design, digital fabrication, material research, and temporary installations, to interiors, building, and urban design projects.  Upcoming works include the investigation Design for Disease: In Search of Hyper-Specialization, and an untitled animation. She is currently based in Kuwait.





Please contact me for freelancing, project collaborations, or questions. Work samples available upon request.



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